Monday 29 April 2013

Tips To Choose a Maytag Air Conditioning Contractor

Last week, we went over two big tips for helping you choose a heating and cooling contractor in the Tampa Bay.  As a follow up, Castellano A/C Services is pleased to present you with tips 3 to 5:

Three more things to look for before opening your home—and your wallet:

3. Up-Front Pricing – Couple of points here. First and most common are the contractors who just say, “We’ll let you know how much it is and how long it’ll take once we take everything apart.” That’s dangerous, since you could be stuck with parts scattered everywhere or just a “guess” on the completion.

Legitimate heating and cooling contractors—and there are many—should give a price for services before work begins, and ask for payment only when work has been completed. We call this up-front pricing, and it’s the fairest, most convenient method.
Our technicians arrive, ask questions, diagnose and then give you a price and schedule for the work’s completion. Then you decide to go forward or not.

4. Scheduling – Think about it.  You’re hot or cold.  And your HVAC contractor has just said he’d be glad to come out and take a look at your system a week from Tuesday.  The fact is, if he can’t provide satisfactory relief, maybe you should keep looking. 

Sure, the more popular contractors will have scheduling issues in the middle of a busy season – us included - but the scheduling should be explained with the assurance that the contractor will get there as soon as he can. 

Many Contractors offer Maintenance Agreement programs that allow for Priority Scheduling – even in busiest times – which is one of many benefits. Regardless, when you schedule for a repair, ask for a specific time, and expect your contractor to keep it, with reasonable updates during any delays.

5. Guarantees – Most companies “say” they guarantee their work but sadly, the words often get conveniently forgotten if a problem arises. And that’s the only time you’ll know… or care. Without a guarantee on parts and labor, you may have another system breakdown and be expected to pay the same price to have it fixed again. That’s crazy.

Plus, on a replacement system, you’re investing in a long-term solution. That’s why MAYTAG  not only manufactures state-of-the-art reliability into new systems, but gives you real peace of mind with some of the longest warranties in the entire industry.

So if your contractor answers your questions with answers like “Oh, trust me it’ll be fine." or "What do you need a guarantee for?”, then you should make other arrangements.  MAYTAG contractors come with the assurance of having been pre-screened in their abilities to consistently provide prompt, efficient assistance for our customers.  As a MAYTAG approved contractor, your satisfaction, future business and referrals are too important to us to risk otherwise!

maytag air conditioner approved contractor

Remember, you are calling a contractor because you have a problem.  The contractor's job is to solve those problems – not add to them.  Understanding the above list can save you time, money, and quite possibly, a few gray hairs.

Want more solutions to these and other heating and cooling challenges and get more than you pay for? Contact Castellano Air Conditioning Tampa Bay Services at 813-877-6997 for more information.  24/7 emergency services available.

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